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Gutika / Vatika

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The Ayurveda term Gutika and Vatika implies medicinal formulation in form of tablets. Although Gutika and Vatika are used as synonyms there is a slight difference as per their appearance. Gutika generally confine themself to circular structures while Vatika are elongated in shape. The primary reason for elongated shape of Vatika is their administration method. Vatika are generally rubbed in water/plant juice/ decoction and the paste is administered sub-lingual (lick) to facilitate absorption. Hence formulation which contain heavy metals like Gold, Silver are generally rolled into Vatika. On the other hand the general purpose of Gutika is to swallow and hence formulation with herbal dominance are generally rolled into Gutika. Hence Vatika medication are quick acting as the process of digestion is not required due to their subliungual absorption while Gutika have to go through process of digestion which takes a time to show result. However Gutika medication due to resaons mentioned have a controlled action over the body as compared to Vatika which may show variable results.


The above information however cannot be generalized with each and every Guti-Vati formulation mentioned in Ayurveda treatise. However the pattern is predominantly followed in the texts.