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Single Malt Whisky: Bio-hack Your Imprint
Book Language: English. Ebook & Print
- This book is a documentation of WhiskyBaba research, presenting insights into the applicative model of accessing the kaṣāya-madhura rasa complex (astringent-sweet) complex on the foundations of Siddhānta (collective algorithms or blueprints) of Āyurveda and Tantra.
- This book aims to create an experiential window towards unlocking our unique DNA imprints (genotype and phenotype) by creating an independent pathway towards our limitlessness, as well as an adaptive dynamism towards the fast-changing social, moral, environmental and economical challenges surrounding us.
- It aims to tap into the experiential modalities of the precision of single malt whisky through the entities it carries as congeners. This is elaborated through the organic Āyurveda algorithms of Rasa, Vīrya and Vipāka, Āyurveda Prakruti, Dhātu Sāra and the Tantra algorithms of sound projection utilising the catalyst properties of alcohol.
- This experiential modality aims to deprogram our understanding of the world that is customarily filtered through linear image-creation and image-projection and to rewire these pathways towards a decoupled sensory experience. Acknowledging the limitations of language and referentiality, the work does not seek an academic perspective, and only attempts to stimulate the reader to imbibe entities towards bio-hacking their individual expansion, without any bias of culture, tradition, academia, or black and white conundrums. This methodology of approaching single malt whisky is called The Sacrament Modul.
- The WhiskyBaba Database and Realtime Index Projection Tool is founded on these lines to present an experiential gateway to the Sacrament Module, which the current book expounds.
- Tracing the history of single malt whisky and its ethno-medicinal uses,it also discusses the unique mathematical production methods of single malt scotch in reference to its relevance to those seeking to build awareness around its use in the sacrament module.
- It references modern research studies as correlative data towards the simple explanations of Āyurvedic algorithms that offer a blueprint towards decoupling linear sensory states over a cumulative experiential process.
- This book is considered as an initial referential insight for those seeking to experientially explore the sound container blueprints of Vedic and Tantric knowledge in an accessible way towards unlocking independence and limitlessness. In that vein, it also presents the unique Yogic Sfaim breathing technique as a tool for self-exploration.
- This book in no way attempts to promote alcohol as an entity of therapeutic value, neither on a physical or a mental plane. It only focuses on the nuances of the precision of single malt whiskies towards the entities it carries as congeners through the medium of alcohol which serves purely as a catalyst. This lies at the base of the Sacrament Module, which is the foundation of this book. Readers' discretion advised.
Available in digital /ebook & paperback/print from Amazon.
* Please Note thar PAPERBACK/PRINT version is available only in select countries though it can be shipped to your destination
 Price: Refer Links |
Handbook of Kitchen Medicine
Book Language: English
Are you looking for a way to boost your energy and improve your health, while avoiding over-the-counter medications with potentially harmful side effects? The Handbook of Kitchen Medicine Handbook gives you all the tools you need to use common spices as curatives and tonics.Discover how to use everyday items such as cinnamon and turmeric to combat heart disease and even cancer. Whether digestive issues, sore throats, headaches or urinary tract infections, you will learn how you can use simple spices from your kitchen to treat these ailments. This practical handbook strips away the mystery and provides a clear, easy-to-follow guide that anybody can use to improve their health.The book contains 16 common spices and discusses their history, quality, medicinal uses and their interaction with modern medicine. This book aims to help us lead simpler and healthier lives using the arsenal of spices common in our kitchens Here's what you get in my book
- Focuses on 16 common spices you can find in your pantry for various ailments
- You will learn how to heal yourself using these common kitchen ingredients
- Highlights proper safety measures for using these spices with diet requirements
- Discusses interactions of these spices with modern medicine so you can be safe & stress free
- A separate chapter dedicated to explaining disorders and lists corresponding spices to be used for relief
- Only select remedies are provided which are tested clinically by me over 16 years
- A short account on how to cultivate these spices which is useful for backyard gardeners
- Save money by growing these spices at home.
- Help ease yourself to Ayurveda concepts in a fun way
Book is available in digital /ebook & paperback/print from Amazon.