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National Library of Ayurveda Medicine


This section allows dynamic searching of Ayurveda formulations which are categorized by their INGREDIENTS listed in the CATEGORY section and their methods of preparation listed in the METHOD section below. Here are a few examples to give a better understanding of the advanced-search protocol

  • To search for a formulation containing only gemstones, then check the GEMSTONE option in the CATEGORY section and hit the Submit button.
  • To view Gemstones Bhasmas (calcinied ash), then select the GEMSTONE option from the CATEGORY section and BHASMA option from the METHOD section and hit the Submit button.
  • To view all BHASMA formulations, then just click the Bhasma option in the METHOD section and hit the Submit button.
  • To view GEMSTONE formulations containing KAJJALI or HERBS or METALS then select the desired options from Category list and hit the Submit button.

The number of permutations and combinations for acquiring data are manifold, depending upon the knowledge base and interest of the visitor. The METHOD section contains a HELP module where information about individual method classifications can be accessed by clicking icon.



Ark  (Distilled extract)  

Bhasma  (Calcinied Ash)  

Churn  (Powders)  

Kshaar  (Caustic)  

Kupipakva Rasayan    

Kwaath  (Tea)  




Sadharan-Kalpa with Guggul    


Sanyukt-Kalpa with Guggul    

Satva  (Extract)  



This section provides the visitor with a direct search on information about various INGREDIENTS used in Ayurveda formulations. Select the desired option from one of the drop down lists provided and hit the GO button to access information about specific ingredients.



This section provides the visitor with a direct search on AYURVEDA TREATISES and AUTHORS recorded in the NLAM database. Select the desired option from one of the drop down lists provided and hit the GO button to access detailed information.

The NLAM database contains botanical information about 700 plants which form an integral part of Ayurveda formulations.These herbs can be searched through the SEARCH BOX or can be accessed through individual formulation descriptions.