Deciduous tree, young branches tomentose. Leaf pinnately trifoliolate. petiole 10-22.5 cm long, terminal leaflet 12.5-20 cm long, 11-17.5 cm broad. broadly ovate, obtuse or retuse, glabrescent; lateral leaflet obliquely ovate, obtuse. slightly smaller than the terminal, glabrescent; petiolules 5-7.5 mm long, stipels small; stipules small, deciduous. Inflorescence an axillary or terminal raceme. 10-17.5 cm long, flowers fascicled at the nodes. Bracts and bracteoles small, velvety. Pedicel 1.2-2.5 cm long, velvety. Calyx c. 1.2 cm long, velvety within and without, teeth deltoid, the upper 2 teeth united. Corolla bright red, tinged with orange, silky pubescent outside. Vexillum 3.7-5.0 cm long. Fruit 10-20 cm long, 2.5-5.0 cm broad, silky, 1 seed at the apex, stalk 1.2-1.8 cm long.
Flowering Period: March-April.