Perennial, 25-60 cm tall, corymbosely branched, glabrous herb. Leaves sessile,4-8 cm long, irregularly and pinnatisectly dissected into 3-5 cm long, 2-5 mm broad, linear-lanceolate or subelliptic, acute segments ;stipules setaceous, 1.5-2.5 mm long. Flowers white or yellowish white, c.2-2.5 cm across; pedicel 1.2 cm long, filiform. Sepals 5,linear, 10-15(-18)mm long, glabrous, acute, entire or rarely pinnatifid. Petals 5,oblong or oblong-elliptic, subequal, 10-14(-16) mm long,5-8 mm broad, obtuse. Stamens mostly 15, rarely less, filaments 4-5 mm long, anthers longer than filaments, c. 6 mm long, dorsifixed. Ovary with 8-10 mm long style, the upper 6 mm triangular or 3-keeled. Capsule 6-10 mm across, trigonous, depressed or retuse at the apex, with persistent style. Seeds blackish-brown, triangular, c. 2 mm long.
Flowering Period: April-October.