A rambling shrub; branches woody, angular-striated. Leaves ovate, 7 cm long and 3 cm broad, acute, narrowing suddenly into the petiole; petiole l-2 cm long with a dilated amplexicaul base, glabrous or puberulous. Flowers rather densely arranged in 10-35 cm long, often branched spikes; rachis of the spike often pubescent or glandular. Bracts ovate, acute, 5-6 mm long, 3 times shorter than the calyx. Calyx tubular, 1-1.5 cm long, covered with stalked glands; limb 5-fid; teeth very short, corolla gamopetalous; tube 2 times longer than the calyx; limb white, 5-Iobed; lobes cuneate-retuse, shortly mucronate. Stamens free. Style slender glabrous. Described from India.
Flowering Period: July-September.