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Madhu, Honey




Madhu implies to Honey.Honey is a sweet and viscous fluid produced by honey bees (and some other species), and derived from the nectar of flowers. However Honey procured from honey bees is indicated by Ayurveda. Eight types of honey are described in Ayurveda depending on the type of honey bee which collects it. width="80%">
Pouttika Described as honey collected by very large bees from the nectar of poisonous flowers.
Bhramara Described as honey collected by large honey bees and is sticky in nature.
Kshoudra Described as honey collected by medium sized honey bees.
Makshika Described as honey collected by small honey bees.Makshika is considered as the best type with immense medicinal properties.
Chatra The source of honey bees to procure Chatra variety of honey is not clearly defined. However Chatra is described as being heavy and cold in nature.
Arghya The source of honey bees to procure Arghya variety of honey is not clearly defined. However Arghya is described as being good for eyes but causes Arthritis
Oudalaka The source of honey bees to procure Oudalaka variety of honey is not clearly defined. However Oudalaka is described as being useful in skin diseases, and helps in modulation of voice.
Dala The source of honey bees to procure Dala variety of honey is not clearly defined. However Dala is described as being dry in nature and helps allievate vomiting.


No specific purification process for Madhu is found in Ayurveda treatise which may indicate that Madhu does not require to undergo specific purification process and can be directly used as medicine. However if Madhu is contaminated with dust or other foreign particles it is advisable to filter them out.


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