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The Ayruveda term Ardh-Gajput means to preapre a setup in 1/2 the measure of Gajput (Ardh==1/2). Gajput is a specific setup prepared to cook/roast medicinal ingredients or mixtures at a optimum specific temperature for ideal end-result formulation. Gajput process requires construction of pit in the ground 2 ft by 2ft square and 2ft deep (Ayurveda books mention 1.5 Hand X 1.5 Hand X 1.5 Hand length which is approximated as 2ft). This pit is covered with dry cow-dung collected in their natural state. The medicine to be cooked is put in a sealed vessel and placed in between the dung cakes. The dung cakes are set to flame and the medicine is allowed to burn till the dung-cakes burn out.

So Ardh-Gajpout requires apit 1ft X 1ft square and 1ft deep while the remaining procedure remains identical as Gajput.


See Gajput