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Tankan Purification (Malati Bhasma) (Method 1)




Tankan pieces are cleaned with water and transferred to an iron vessel. The vessel is heated over a low flame. On heating Tankan pieces swell up and collapse, making a sound resembling popcorn. Once the proces of swelling and bursting reduces, the vessel is taken off the flame. The inner contents are procured and allowed to cool to obtain Shudh Tankan

Tankan Purification (Malati Bhasma) (Method 1) - Ingredient Details


  • The above method is most commonly used to purify Tankan before its use as medicine.

  • Madanpal Nighantu describes the above process as Malati Bhasma with independent medicinal uses predominantly useful to treat Kas (Upper respiratory tract infections associated with cough with excessive to moderate phlegm)