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Tribhuvankirti Ras (Method 1)




Shudh (purified) Hingul 1 Tola, Shudh Vatsanabh 1 Tola, Shunthi 1 Tola, Marich Phal(Phal == Fruit) 1 Tola, Pippali 1 Tola, Pippalimool (Roots of Pippali are known as Pippalimool) 1 Tola and Shudh Tankan 1 Tola are pounded together to forma a fine blend. The mixture is given 3 Bhavana(treatment) each of Tulasi Swaras, Aradrak Swaras and finally Dhattur Patra (Patra == Leaf) Swaras till a uniform blend is achieved. This formulation is called Tribhuvankirti Ras. Tribhuvankirti Ras on drying is stored for use.

Tribhuvankirti Ras (Method 1) - Ingredient Details


  • 1 Tola approx. 11gm