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Jwarsanhar Ras


Trikatu Churn 6 Tola, Kutki 2 Tola, Nimb Twak (Twak == Bark) 2 Tola, Musta (Nagar-Mustak variety) 2 Tola, Shwet-Sarshap 2 Tola, Indrajav (Kutaj seeds are called Indrajav) 2 Tola, Shudh Tankan 2 Tola, Rakt-Chandan 2 Tola, Atasi 2 Tola, Krishna-Jeerak 2 Tola and Rassindoor 26 Tola are mixed to form a fine blend. The mixture is given Bhavana (treatments) with each of the following Bhavana-Dravya(Items used for treating the formulation);Aradrak Swaras, Tulasi Swaras and Nirgundi Patra (Patra == Leaf) Swaras; till a uniform blend is achieved. The mixture is processed with each of the Bhavana-Dravya for 3 days. This formulation is known as Jwarsanhar Ras.

Jwarsanhar Ras - Ingredient Details


  • Certain Vaidyas (Ayurveda Physicians) use Shudh Hingul in place of Rassindoor for preparing Jwarsanhar Ras.

  • Ayurvedsarsangrah mentions that the proportion of Rassindoor can be taken as 13 Tola or 26 Tola as per discretion.

  • 1 Tola approx. 11gm