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Kamdhenu Ras (Method 2)


Shudh (purified) Gandhak and Amalaki Pushp (Pushp == Flower) Churn in equal proportion are pounded together to form a coarse powder. The mixture is given 7Bhavana(treatments) each with Amalaki Phal Swaras and Kutshalmali Swaras. This formulation is called Kamdhenu Ras. Kamdhenu Ras is then rolled into tablets each measuring 2Gunj (see glossary).

Kamdhenu Ras (Method 2) - Ingredient Details


  • Kamdhenu Ras is also described in the treatise, Rasayansaar. The formulation is completely contrasted with respect to ingredients of Kamdhenu Ras as described by Bhaisajyaratnavalli. (For details see Kamdhenu Ras (Method 1)).

  • Ras is synonym of Parad and any formulation which contains Parad in individual or compound form or as an ingredient of a compound formulation used is given a suffix "RAS". Kamdhenu does not contain Parad even though it is denoted as Kamdhenu Ras.

  • 1Gunj approx. 125mg

