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Common Names

Pipal, Pipli, Doguri.

About    Taxonomy

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Ficus religiosa L.


Moraceae Gaudich.


nom. cons.


Ficus L.


religiosa L. Sp. pl. 2:1059. 1753

Plant Description

A large or medium sized, evergreen or deciduous tree, 6-15 (-20) m tall. Trunk c. 2-3 m in circumference, with spreading branches and usually without aerial roots, bark grey, fissured; young twig pubescent with pink new leaves. Leaves with a pale-green, slender, (4-) 5-10 (-11) cm long, terete petiole; lamina trullate-ovate or suborbicular, (4.5-) 6-15 (-18) cm long, 4-11 (-14) cm broad, margins entire or ± repand, 3-5-costate at the truncate or ± cordate base, apex .abruptly long-acuminate, acumen nearly half as long as lamina, lateral nerves 6-9 pairs with several zigzag intercostals; stipules yellowish-brown, deltoid-acuminate, 8-12 mm long; cystoliths present only on the lower side. Hypanthodia sessile, in axillary pairs, c. 5-6 mm in diameter, yellowish-green, subtended by 3 silky-puberulent to glabrescent, broadly ovate-elliptic, obtuse, 3-5 mm long basal bracts, internal bristles absent, apical orifice closed by 3 apical bracts. Male flowers: sessile in a single ostiolar whorl or sometimes absent; sepals 2-3, free, ovate-lanceolate. Female and gall flowers: sessile or pedicellate; sepals 3-4 (-5), lanceolate. Figs depressed globose, c. 10-12.5 mm in diameter, dark-purple on maturity.


*Description source: