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Sarshap (Species 2)

Common Names

Common Names To be Updated Soon

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Brassica campestris L.


Brassicaceae Burnett


nom. cons.


Brassica L.


campestris L. Sp. pl. 2:666. 1753

Plant Description

ant is 75-100 cm in height. Stem is upright, branched, root is thin, unedible. Lower leaves are petiolate, lyre-pinnatipartite, green, pubescent. Upper leaves are sessile, ovate with deep-cordate, amplexicaul base, dove-coloured, glabrous or slightly pubescent. Inflorescence is racemose, flowers are actinomorphic, divided into four parts, petals are golden-yellow, situated crosswise, sepals are horizontally deflected by the end of flowering. Fruit is silicle, with long elongate-conical or subulate tip. Lower part of silicle is multi-seeded, dehiscent, upper part (tip) is indehiscent and has one seed. Seeds are globular, slightly squeezed, from red-brown to red-black in color, lusterless, with fine reticular surface. Plant flowers in May-August, bears fruits in July-September. Minimum temperature for seed germination is 3-4°C. Seedlings appear in spring, in forest zone-during all vegetation period. Seedlings that appear in autumn usually do not over-winter. Maximum productivity is up to 20,000 seeds/plant. Seeds have high germinability, germinate from depth of no more than 5-6 cm, and remain viable up to 6 years in soil.


*Description source: Not verified.