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Triphala Churn




Equal proportions of Haritaki fruit, Bibbhitak fruit and Amalaki fruit are dried in shade. The dried fruits are then pounded to forma coarse powdered which is filtered through a muslin cloth. The resultant fine powder is known as Triphal Churn. Triphala Churn is prepared in accordance with the Churn preparation definition and standards as described in various Ayurveda treatise.

Triphala Churn - Ingredient Details


  • Triphala itself is not an individual entity but a name attributed to the combination of fruits of the plants Haritaki, Bibbhtak and Amalaki

  • Although the quantities of Haritaki, Bibbhitak and Amalaki are denoted as equal in this formulation many treatise and Vaidyas differ on the quantity. Proportions like 1:2:3 or 2:1:3 etc with respect to the three plants are used as Triphala in accordance with ailments for which it is to be used.


All Ayurveda formularly treatise.