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Mauktik Bhasma Agniputi (Method 1)


Shudh (purified) Mauktik is mixed with equal quantity of Mansheel, Hartaal and Gandhak. The mixture is blended with Lakooch juice and rolled into a cake. The cake on drying is given 8 Gajput (refer glossary) to obtain Mauktik Bhasma

Mauktik Bhasma Agniputi (Method 1) - Ingredient Details


  • Since Mauktik Bhasma is prepared by roasting in fire it is known as Agniputi(Agni==fire) Mauktik Bhasma. Vaidyas consider Agniputi Mauktik Bhasma to be less effective than Chandraputi Mauktik Bhasma.

  • Mauktik or Pearls are artificial and natural. Artificial pearls are considered ineffective as medicine and hence treatise recomend use of natural pearls to prepare Mauktik Bhasma

  • If Natural Mauktik (pearl) procured from Basara are used to prepare Mauktik Bhasma then the formulation is known as Mauktik Bhasma no.1