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Grahanivajrakapat Ras


Shudh (purified) Gandhak 1 Tola, Parad Bhasma 1 Tola, Abrakh Bhasma 1 Tola, Yav-Kshaar 1 Tola, Shudh Tankan 1 Tola, Vacha 1 Tola and Shudh Vijaya 1 Tola are mixed together. The mixture is then processed in following Bhavana-Dravya(Items used for treating the formulation), Vijaya Swaras, Bhringraaj Swaras and Jambeer Swaras. The mixture is given 3Bhavana (treatment) with each of the Bhavana-Dravya and rolled into a cake. On drying the cake is transferred to an iron vessel and the vessel is sealed with clay. The vessel is then heated over a low and constant flame (Mandagni, see glossary) for 2hours. On cooling Ativisha and Mochras (The gum obtained from the plant Shalmali is called Mochras) are added to the mixture. Ativisha and Mochras are taken in a proportion equal to the combined weights of all the three Bhavana-Dravya used for treatment. The mixture is finally given 7 treatments with Vijaya Swaras. Grahanivajrakapat Ras is then dried and stored. This formulation is called Grahanivajrakapat Ras.

Grahanivajrakapat Ras - Ingredient Details


  • Abrakh Bhasma Shat(100)-puti must be used in preparation of Grahanivajrakapat Ras.

  • 1 Tola approx. 11gm

