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Two distinct plant species are accepted as the source of classical plant Gokshur. The reason for this is not related to identity problems but more to the ethnomedicinal data available. A scan of the available literature inform about two varieties of Gokshur; one bearing big fruits with multiple thorns often reffered to as Shwadrashta and the other one bearing slightly small fruits with fewer thorns which is accepted as Gokshur. Many healers accept them to be different plants and co-relate Pedalium murex with Shwadrashta and Tribulus terristris with Gokshur and vice-versa. Interestingly as per available Ayurveda literature the names Shwadrashta and Gokshur are synonymous. On deep probe the fruit variations mentioned can be produced by the same plant species and hence treating them as different taxons seems irrelevant. The probable resaons for independent planrt species could be geographical, availability and of course in-depth study of medicinal use. Both these taxons have been enumerated.