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Ayurveda literature(Nighantu) mention two varieties of Punarnava; Shwet punarnava (bearing white flowers) and Rakt punarnava (bearing red flowers). It is difficult to comprehend if Nighantus have used Rakt and Shwet Punarnava as varities of same plant or different individual plants. The plant taxon Boerhavia repens is aaccepted as the source of Rakt-Punarnava. Shwet-Punarnav being described as rare its botanical identity is highly debated. A scan of available ethnomedicinal data suggests that both the varieties may belong to the same genus. Many scholars accept the taxon Boerhavia erecta (bearing white flowers) as a source of Shwet Punarnava. However the species is a Native American plant recently introduced and hence its acceptance as the classical Shwet Punarnava is debatable. Many experts also consider the taxon Trianthema portulcastrum bearing white flowers as the source of Shwet Punarnava. Trianthema portulcastrum is correlated to the classical plant Varshaabu as described by Raaj-Nighantu. Varshaabu is considered to be similar in properties to Punarnava. Interestingly Trianthema portulcastrum shows red and white variations. Raaj Nighantu has not mentioned these varieties of Varshaabu and hence there can be a case of correlating the Trianthema portulcastrum as Punarnava. This data recomends a strong investigation for proper taxonomical identification of Punarnava and Varshabhu. Apart from this Raaj Nighantu mentions about a third variety called Neel punarnava (bearing blue flowers) whose botanical identity remains uninvestigated. The discussed plant raxon for Punarnava are enumerated. (This abstract is borrowed from the research thesis by Dr. Sumit Ashok Kesarkar and is copyright protected)