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The Ayurveda term Kwaath implies to decoction or tea prepared from plants as internal and external medicine. The general preparation method is to crush the plant/plants and soak it in water 8 times thier combined weight or as per requirement. The mixture is then boiled on low flame till the water reduces to 1/8th (generally), 1/2, 1/4th as required. The mixture is then filtered and used as medicine. However a scan of Ayurveda literature informs about some specific guidliness for the quantity of water to be used as per the nature, quantity and form of the plant.
  • Plants which are soft (Skt:Mridu) must be soaked in water 4 times its weight.

  • Plants which are medium (Skt:Madhyam) must be soaked in water 8 times its weight.

  • Plants which are shard (Skt:Kathina) must be soaked in water 16 times its weight.

  • Similarly plant whose combined quantity is less than 4Tola (!Tola approx. 10gm) must be soaked in water 16 times its weight.

  • Similarly plant whose combined quantity is more than 4Tola (!Tola approx. 10gm) but less than 16Tola must be soaked in water 8times its weight.

  • Similarly plant whose combined quantity is more than 16Tola (!Tola approx. 10gm) must be soaked in water 4 times its weight.
The above mentioned are just guidelines and Ayurveda recomends Vaidyas (healers, physicians) to use them as per their own discretion.